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The Club 360

Learn From The Best Graduated.
Ask The Best Experts.

What is Club 360

The Club 360 for counseling and upskilling was created to provide students with a platform to improve their personal and professional growth. One of the club's primary goals is to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on improving them. Through personalized counseling and mentorship, students can gain valuable insights and develop a plan for achieving their goals. The club also provides opportunities for students to gain practical experience and develop their skills through internships, volunteering, and other experiential learning programs. This helps students build their resumes and prepare for future careers.

How is it Incorporated

By designating you as the club's president and campus representative, The Club 360 is integrated into your college.
For the selection, you will have to pass a difficult screening process. Being a Campus ambassador comes with a variety of benefits.

In this Club we will cover

Event Planner's Portrait

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