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The Story of two lost Engineers

This is the tale of the two lost engineers who also happened to be the company's founders. They learned from their story's many struggles that if you follow the proper road in life, making money is actually quite simple. What is the appropriate road, and how do you choose it for yourself, is the question that now needs to be answered. You can discover the precise response to the question by reading the article.

The Road Less Traveled

Shrenik and Rushikesh the two lost engineers were best of friends since childhood and shared a passion for helping others. However, they faced a major problem in their own lives – they struggled to find proper educational counseling.

Both Shrenik and Rushikesh came from humble backgrounds and had always dreamt of pursuing higher education and making a name for themselves. But due to lack of proper guidance and counseling, they faced numerous obstacles throughout their academic journey.

They gave their careers their all. They experimented with everything that society demanded. The society advised them to choose engineering when they finished the tenth grade because of its allegedly large and enormous scope. They subsequently began their JEE preparation, although it is obvious that they failed the test. They were then accepted into state universities for engineering, completed their four-year programme with a passable grade, and, much to their surprise, were offered respectable employment after campus interviews. The narrative started here. Rushikesh and Shrenik frequently talked about how intrigued they were by the idea of starting their own firm. By rejecting their employer's offer, they turned their idea into reality and launched their own firm.. When they were discussing their journey after running several successful enterprises and making considerable money, they both mused about how different their lives would have been if they had chosen to study an MBA rather than engineering. They came to see that numerous other kids were dealing with comparable problems and were in dire need of direction.

Determined to help others, Shrenik and Rushikesh decided to start their own business for educational counseling – "KISKO PUCHU." They wanted to provide accurate and reliable guidance to students, so that no one would face the same problems they did.

They poured their hearts and souls into building their business, working long hours and sacrificing their personal time and resources. They designed innovative programs and offered personalized counseling sessions to students, which quickly gained popularity.

But even with their success, Shrenik and Rushikesh never forgot the pain and struggles they faced during their own academic journey. They often thought about the opportunities they missed and the hurdles they had to overcome, and it filled them with a deep sense of sadness and regret.

Despite their sadness, they continued to work tirelessly for their students, helping them find their paths and achieve their dreams. And as "KISKO PUCHU" grew and expanded, They found solace in the fact that they were making a difference in the lives of many young minds.

But deep down, they knew that their own journey could have been easier if they had access to proper guidance and counseling. And so, they remain committed to their cause, ensuring that no student would have to face similar challenge in their future.

Only before crossing a road, not before choosing your career, may looking left or right save your life.

Shrenik Kucheriya

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"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. So learn what you want from life and not what others want from you

Rushikesh More

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